If you are a fan of the History Channel and have watched Forged In Fire, you are very familiar with the phrase “This sir….will kiiilllll”. Having watched some of the cool videos Doug has put out on the karambit this seemed like a tool I need to add to my tool box.

After doing a little research, I bought a few and started to explore the various attributes.  That prompted me to start making trainers for my karambit. 


So far my favorite is my BladeTech Riptide. So I am in the process of making a trainer for that. This is the work in progress. 

I made it out of 1/4 aluminum. This allows us to hit just a little harder, without worrying about breaking the skin or accidentally puncturing each other. 

This project is still in process

I am also a fan of my Derespina with my Emerson Wave modification.  I will be making trainers for this also.

I liked my Krudo Snag until I almost cut my finger tips off when deploying it quickly.  It is an amazing tool, but its attributes are much different than when it comes to tip orientation. PRACTICE A LOT with deploying this one. Wear gloves until you are super comfortable opening it.  Ask Garrett’s wife whose BRAND NEW kitchen I bled all over. Thank god she is a nurse. 

If you are looking for something a little less obvious, but just as dangerous in the right hands, you have to get a Kelly Worden Travel wrench

I was never a fan of the cheap plastic karambit trainers. This is what I was trying to get away from. Still I do own one. It’s usually what I give to that unprepared person who comes to an edged weapons seminar without their own equipment.

If I need to work from the point of tool deployment, I do go to my Fox trainer.  I am not there yet when it comes to making a folder. 

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